Intended for: Those who want to evaluate the quality of the lessons and make sure they can master the Russian language.
Subscription type: You get a free lifetime subscription that you can always update to any premium level at any time.
You learn: Fragmentary knowledge of the Russian language presented in free lessons from different sections and categories.
Goal: To make an informed decision after listening to the free lessons, and update to the next level in order to start learning Russian online.
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Intended for: Those who are absolutely new to the Russian language. Even if you took some courses of Russian before we recommend starting with the Absolute Beginner level because it constitutes the basis for a successful learning process.
Subscription type: A lifetime subscription for the Absolute Beginner level including all new lessons that will be added.
You learn: Basic information about the Russian language, learn and practice reading and basic pronunciation rules, composition of Russian words, most common greeting and bye words and phrases; you will also learn about a hundred Russian words.
Goal: To learn to read in Russian without the English transliteration, start a conversion, greet and say bye in Russian.
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25 |
Intended for: Those who have mastered the basics of the Russian language and can read in Russian.
Subscription type: A lifetime subscription including all new lessons that will be added.
You learn: Nouns, adjectives, numerals from 0 to 1000, pronouns and important pronunciation rules that will allow you to better understand real-life Russian speech. You will also learn a few hundred new words and collocations and listen to numerous dialogues.
Goal: To learn to make simple sentences in Russian, and ask questions to them. Describe objects with adjectives.
in process |
Intended for: Those who can read and make simple sentences in Russian or who mastered the elementary level at
Subscription type: A lifetime subscription including all new lessons that will be added.
You learn: Cases of nouns, verbs, tenses, impersonal sentences, modal verbs, prepositions, and such sentence patterns as there is, I have, etc. You will also learn a few hundred new words and collocations and listen to a number of dialogues.
Goal: Learn to speak more fluently in Russian, and get a better understanding of real-life Russian speech.
coming soon |
Intended for: Those who can read and speak in Russian but still wants to learn and practice more to speak good Russian, and understand real-life Russian speech without any problems.
Subscription type: A lifetime subscription including all new lessons that will be added.
You learn: Cases of adjectives, passive sentences, verbal adjectives, degrees of comparison, adverbs, subjunctive mood, conjunctions, participle, and different sentence patterns used in real-life speech.
Goal: To learn to read fluently in Russian, speak in Russian using all grammatical means and express your thoughts using a rich vocabulary.
coming soon |