Russian audio and video lessons

Currently, we offer audio lessons for the Absolute Beginner level while lessons of the other levels are in process. We're trying to release new Russian lessons every day.

All our lessons are intended for English speakers wanting to learn Russian online. But you also may study Russian in your native language by using the Chrome translation module.

If you have any questions you can always get help in the comments both from our instructors and other Russian learners. We also recommend reading our Tips for Learning Russian online to make learning Russian interesting, easy and effective. If you want to make sure that our Russian lessons are really effective sign up for Free Russian Lessons, and  start learning the Russian language online now!

До свидания is a respectful and frequently used form of saying bye in Russian, which can be heard more often in the formal environment. До свидания can be literally translated as till meeting meaning see you soon.

  • Level: Absolute Beginner
  • Added to: Saying bye (Vocabulary)
  • Comments: leave a comment

The Russian letter Д produces two sounds - Д and Т. In this lesson, you will learn why the letter Д produces the sound T at the end of words and before dull sounds. You will practice the sounds and learn a dozen new Russian words.

  • Level: Absolute Beginner
  • Added to: Sound practice (Pronunciation)
  • Comments: leave a comment

If you want to say see you tomorrow in Russian, use до завтра. The Russian expression is quite simple and literally can be translated till tomorrow. In this lesson, you will learn more about the phrase and practice it in a short dialogue.

  • Level: Absolute Beginner
  • Added to: Saying bye (Vocabulary)
  • Comments: leave a comment

The lesson will tell you about the basic principles of the composition of Russian words. The lesson is very important for understanding other grammatical subjects. You will learn more about Russian prefixes, roots, suffixes, and endings.

До встречи doesn't have a direct equivalent in English and literally can be translated as till meeting meaning see you someday. In this lesson, you will learn when we use the phrase and practice it in a short dialogue.

  • Level: Absolute Beginner
  • Added to: Saying bye (Vocabulary)
  • Comments: leave a comment
Lesson 62


Prefixes are groups of letters that come before words. In this lesson, you'll learn the most common Russian prefixes, so you can learn new words easier and faster because a lot of words have identical roots, but different prefixes and suffixes.

Lesson 63

Пока (Poka)

Пока is the most common and colloquial way to say bye in Russian. We use пока to mainly say bye to familiar or close people. In this lesson, you will learn more about пока and practice it in a short dialogue.

  • Level: Absolute Beginner
  • Added to: Saying bye (Vocabulary)
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